The Department Cultural Goods and Collections from Colonial Contexts of the German Lost Art Foundation presents its activities and funding opportunities on August 15, 2024.

Am Montag, 12.08.2024

The department Cul­tur­al Goods and Col­lec­tions from Colo­nial Con­texts of the German Lost Art Foundation will present its activities and the funding opportunities at an online event


on Thursday, 15th August 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. (UTC+2:00).


The German Lost Art Foundation was established as a civil-law foundation by the German federal and state governments and leading municipal associations on 1st January 2015. It is a national and international contact partner for all matters pertaining to the illegal seizure of cultural goods in Germany. The main ac­tiv­i­ties fo­cus on cul­tur­al as­sets con­fis­cat­ed by the Na­tion­al So­cial­ists through per­se­cu­tion. An­oth­er field of ac­tiv­i­ty is cul­tur­al prop­er­ty loss­es dur­ing the So­vi­et oc­cu­pa­tion and in the GDR.

As of April 2018, the Foun­da­tion is also ac­tive in the field of cul­tur­al goods and collections from colo­nial con­texts. Since 2019 some 82 projects looking into the provenance of museum collections have been awarded funding, many of which are international collaborative projects.


The funding is aimed at institutions collecting, preserving or researching cultural goods and collections from colonial contexts. These include museums, universities and other research institutions. The funding explicitly aims to strengthen international cooperation and intensify exchange with regions and communities of origin.


At the Webex conference, we will provide information about the various funding opportunities, among others:

  • International collaborative and co-operation projects
  • Cross-institutional projects on collections, regions, actors or other contexts
  • Projects for the cataloguing and analysis of source material of central importance for provenance research
  • and new: search requests for the location of ancestral remains and/or cultural heritage artefacts


The department Cul­tur­al Goods and Col­lec­tions from Colo­nial Con­texts is looking forward to sharing ideas and information with you!


If you are interested to attend, please register for the event with Anna Wickes-Neira () by Monday 12 August 2024. We will send you an email with the registration information shortly before the event.


The department Cul­tur­al Goods and Col­lec­tions from Colo­nial Con­texts is looking forward to sharing ideas and information with you!